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Our Safari Adventures

Newmarket Mucky Ducklings loved their Safari Adventure yesterday!

We took a ride across to the jungle where we found some jungle slime! Inside hid snakes, lizards and spiders! The Mucky Ducklings enjoyed squelching in the slime (Green Jelly). It was cold and gooey!

We visited the cabbage, cucumber and broccoli jungle next! There, we found lots of exciting safari animals. Leaves were falling from the tall trees and landing on our heads!! They were great hats for when the rain started!

Someone had left some yummy safari animal biscuits out!! It was a great chance to have a snack- they were really yummy!! We also enjoyed scooping up as many as we could to fill the containers. Counting them in and out was fun too but not as fun as eating them!!

Once we were refueled, we set off for the zebras and giraffes!

We found their prints in shaving foam!! This was really messy! Even the adults were covered! It was great fun mixing up the colours in the foam.

Mucky Ducklings made some special Safari keepsakes at the CREATION STATION. Mummy and baby elephant hand prints and giraffe foot prints. Good work everyone!

Now i'm excited for more Safari fun with our Soham Mucky Ducklings tomorrow!! Don't forget your binoculars- there's lots to be seen!

S x

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